Join us for a GEOG seminar special edition on Nov. 6 from 10 a.m. to noon at STAMP and on Zoom. Assistant Professor Sheena Michele Mason from SUNY Oneonta will explore the intersection of human migration and DNA research, drawing from her upcoming book, "The Raceless Antiracist: Why Ending Race Is the Future of Antracism."
Through her work, Dr. Mason challenges conventional beliefs about the construct of "race" and invites attendees to examine their cultural upbringing. She presents findings from the Theory of Racelessness, a framework that redefines traditional notions of “race,” culture, and language.
This seminar offers an exploration of ideas surrounding “race,” human migration, and language. Dr. Mason's commitment to questioning the status quo makes this event essential for anyone dedicated to fostering an inclusive antiracist society. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with scholarship. Join a vital conversation on dismantling the concept of “race” for a more inclusive future without racism.