
Are you an undergraduate student contemplating pursuing a second degree and are interested in research? Are you a graduate student who could benefit from hearing about the dissertation process?

CRGE is excited to host the Qualitative Research Interest Group (QRIG) Spring 2024 Advanced Doctoral Student Dissertation Award Panel on Zoom from 12 to 2 PM EST next Thursday, April 18, 2024. This event is open to UMD faculty, staff, and students, as well as participants external to UMD.

At this year's panel, "Why Critical Thinking? Black Girls, Spaces, and Education," three past QRIG Awardees will discuss their successful
research and dissertation processes. Please see https://crge.umd.edu/ with more information on the panelists

Please use this link
https://umd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtdO6pqz8iGdBWdXHdMbqyTCNa8hVJ49AQ to register for the event. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with the Panel Zoom link and an opportunity to add the date/time to your calendar.

Please email crge@umd.edu if you have any questions.